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Sundays from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm             

Our youth TruthSeekers classes are where students can learn more about our Triune God by digging deep into His word.  Classes are on Sundays from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm and run from September through June.

  • The  Middle School TruthSeekers class is for grades 7 to 8.  This class looks at how to surrender to Jesus, submit to His way, and see all of life through the truth of His work.
  • The High School class (for grades 9 to 12) will join the Adult Sunday School class called “Responding to God’s Message.”  This is a life application class based on the weekly scripture and message.

Youth Group

Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 8:00pm    

Youth Group’s primary focus is Gospel-centered community.  It’s where youth can connect more with each other and with adult leaders.  Youth Group runs from September through June.

Starting at 6:30 we will have open gym and hang out time, transitioning to the Youth Room at 7:00 to begin our large group time. During large group time will be focusing on the book 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity, by Rebecca McLaughlin. From 7:30-8:00 we will break into small groups for discussion and prayer.  For those who can stay, from 8-8:30 we will have an opportunity for additional game time in the gym.
