Dear Church, Our hero, Moses, the mighty man of faith, had another story before he became the person whom ‘God knew face to face.’ When
Dear Church, Our hero, Moses, the mighty man of faith, had another story before he became the person whom ‘God knew face to face.’ When
Dear Church, Romans 8:17 says, 17 And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory.
Dear Church, Some of us may feel uneasy about what I am about to express. We should encourage more testimonies in our church. While we
Dear Church, In Matthew 6:5-6, Jesus contrasts genuine, heartfelt prayer with false, wordy prayer. One is heard and rewarded by God, while the other may
Dear Church, The writer of Hebrews emphasizes, “without faith, it is impossible to please God.” Faith involves moving forward despite our fears. When we take
Dear Church, Jesus commanded us to “make disciples… teaching them to obey everything I (Jesus) have commanded”(Matt 28: 19-20). The early church’s vision of “making
Dear Church, I have heard people say, “It’s my life; what I do with my life is no one else’s business and it doesn’t affect
Dear Church, Good to be back home! Hebrews 4:16 says, ‘Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy
Dear Church, Christian history shows individuals filled with the Holy Spirit who exhorted and inspired the people they encountered during the times that they lived.
Good day, I missed fellowshipping with everyone this past Sunday, but Dave, Russ and others absolutely made the right call cancelling our Sunday service. I
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