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Dear Church,

Most of  the conversation we have about caring for our elderly often centers on better healthcare and improved retirement facilities. While these are important, the Christian view sees beyond the practicalities. This is not merely a problem to solve—it’s an opportunity to embrace God’s call. It’s a chance to honor our parents and elders, living out the command to care for them in their final lap. By doing so, we reflect the love of Christ (sacrificial) and fulfill a vital part of our calling as believers.

Scripture repeatedly emphasizes the importance of honoring parents and respecting elders: “Honor your father and mother” (Exodus 20:12); “Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly” (Leviticus 19:32); “Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old” (Proverbs 23:22). These aren’t just principles to admire but actions to live out.

We tend to forget that we were once helpless, inconvenient babies, entirely dependent on the care of others. Why, then, should we withhold care from those who sacrificed so much and turned their lives upside down for us? And even for those who may not have experienced this kind of care from their parents, the call remains: why neglect the profound lessons we learn about our heavenly Father, who sent His Son to empty Himself in love and care for us, His sinful children? Through Christ’s example, we see a higher calling to selflessness, compassion, and sacrificial love, values we are invited to embody as we care for others

Yet, let’s be honest—this is easier said than done. It means patiently sitting with elderly loved one, having the same conversation with an aging mother who struggles to hear, or lovingly caring for a father battling dementia. Sometime being hurt by the very words or actions from those whom we care for. It requires countless adjustments to our own schedules and emotional and physical fatigue. But all this is worthwhile.These moments of care may seem mundane and consuming, but in reality, they are sacred moments. Souls are being ministered to, and lives are being ushered  into the very presence of God.

Let this be our challenge and privilege—to honor our parents and elders with the love, patience, and dignity that Christ shows to us. Through these acts of care, we mirror the heart of God and participate in His eternal work. There are so many among us who do this work diligently! Let us emulate them and ask our heavenly Father to foster us with His love.

Be Encouraged


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