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Dear Church,

David writes in Psalm 37:23-24, “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”  As we stand at the threshold of 2025, this verse offers us encouragement to move forward with faith. David, who experienced both internal battles and external struggles, gives us this timeless truth:

1. The Lord “Makes Firm” Our Steps
The phrase “makes firm” in Hebrew carries the meaning of establishing a foundation so strong it cannot be shaken.  As God’s children, nothing in our lives happens by luck, chance, or mere coincidence. Every circumstance – whether good or challenging – comes under God’s determined purpose for us.  He is establishing our steps, building us on a foundation that will not fail.

2. “Though He May Stumble, He Will Not Fall”
David acknowledges a reality we all know too well: we stumble. The year 2024 can testify to that. Yet, the promise is clear—though we may stumble, we will not be utterly destroyed. God, in His sovereignty, upholds us with His mighty hand.  Even if 2025 brings hard challenges, we can trust that our father will sustain us.   This assurance brings an important personal application: since every detail of life is under God’s control, we can remain confident and peaceful, even when life seems chaotic.

3. “The One Who Delights in Him”
This promise is given to those who delight in the Lord. This is not a relationship rooted in fear, but in love and trust. Delighting in God means seeking Him, enjoying His presence, and trusting His goodness.

4. Trials Are for Our Good
Our trials are not meaningless. Yes, we may stumble, but God uses those moments to refine us. He will not allow anything to permanently destroy our relationship with Him. Instead, He uses our struggles to shape us, strengthen us, and draw us closer to Him.

Now, this doesn’t mean God ignores our sin or its consequences. When we stumble, we sometimes feel as though “God must hate me now,” and we retreat into despair, hiding in shame.  But the truth is this: God loves His children with an everlasting love. Nothing – absolutely nothing – can separate us from His love in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39).

As We Step into 2025, Let’s Remember:

  • Our struggles are necessary – fight on!
  • Our God has not forgotten us – hang on!
  • Our future is assured – walk in confidence!
  • Our life is lived in Him – abide in Him!


May we walk into 2025 with renewed faith, trusting that the same God who has been with us in 2024 will faithfully guide us in the days ahead.

Be Encouraged,

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