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Dear Church,
The Gospel reveals to us the phenomenal interest God has towards the weak, downtrodden and the ostracized.  Jesus came as a gentle, tender, and kind Servant.  Those whom others were tempted to reject Jesus ministered to. Isaiah talks about Jesus in Isaiah 42:3, “A bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice”.  

What is a bruised reed?  To the world, it’s a worthless thing with no power, stability, or purpose.  Bruised people are emotionally, physically, and spiritually wounded people. How about a smoldering wick?  This is a reference to the wick of a lamp. Smoldering wick people are tired and weak as they fight the battles of life.  Maybe they are being led to believe their best days are behind them, maybe they are getting ready to give up on life.  Maybe you are one of them, you are weak; your life embers are about to lose whatever heat and light they had and be darkened forever.  

Good news!  Jesus is interested in you; he will not snuff out your smoldering life.  In Him he will take the flickering stump and make it a shining light. To be truthful we are all bruised reeds and faintly burning wicks. Are we willing to recognize this and gain our strength from Jesus?  Jesus invites us to Him. He is gentle and humble in heart – He’ll never quench the smoking flax nor break a bruised reed.
Be Encouraged,

Past Notes

Monday Notes From the Senior Pastor-5

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Monday Notes From the Senior Pastor-5

Dear Church, God designed us to hear His voice. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I

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Monday Notes From the Senior Pastor-5

Dear Church, The life of David is a powerful reflection of our own spiritual struggles. After committing

Monday Notes From the Senior Pastor-5

Dear Church, I want to continue the theme I touched on yesterday, worship. While worship encompasses every aspect

Monday Notes From the Senior Pastor-5

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