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Dear Church,
God doesn’t want us to remain as spiritual babies for life, he wants us to grow in Christ and be ‘imitators’ of him.  Just like real babies, spiritual babies don’t grow on their own – they need a family of some kind, they need people in their lives who can guide and instruct them. The bible uses a word for growth, it’s called discipleship. Discipleship is the process by which we grow from a spiritual baby to a spiritual adult. It is maturing in our faith; we are getting stronger and starting to produce spiritual fruit.  We are developing spiritual muscles.  Expecting spiritual growth by attending church ‘service’ or watching ‘church online’ is as ludacris as expecting random spare parts to come together as a car without human help.
The Bible tells that God makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love” (Ephesians 4:16 N LT). 
Spiritual growth takes place when we do Christian life together.  If we are serious about making the most in our life of things that really matter, things we will carry on to eternity, then we need to invest in each other.  Like iron sharpens iron the way God designed us to live as believers is in the context of God’s family who helps us grow. 

Be Encouraged, 

Past Notes

Monday Notes From the Senior Pastor-5

Dear Church, William Temple, the Archbishop of Canterbury, once offered a profound definition of worship: “To worship

Monday Notes From the Senior Pastor-5

Dear Church, It is good to be back! Psalm 18:2 declares, “The Lord is my rock, my fortress,

Monday Notes From the Senior Pastor-5

Dear Church, Like many of you, I have heard and read amazing and powerful stories of the

Monday Notes From the Senior Pastor-5

Dear church, Psalm 36 presents a stark contrast between the boundless love and faithfulness of God and

Monday Notes From the Senior Pastor-5

Dear Church, The histories of the Hebrew nations during the period of the kings of Israel and

Monday Notes From the Senior Pastor-5

Dear Church, One can’t help but notice how quickly plants grow in the summer.  As we walked